Are you feeling overwhelmed? Therapist explains the reasons | Health


With the festive season here, it is the time of the year to get together with your family and friends, meet people and bask in the joy and cheer of the festivities. However, being in the festive season can be hard for some people. Especially when we are stressed or anxious about certain things, it can make us feel overwhelmed. “Eating a slice of humble pie can be hard, especially if you feel overwhelmed. It can feel like you are trying to do everything, and now being invited to wrestle with the reality of your hidden motive. It can feel… well overwhelming,” wrote Relationship Coach Julia Woods. Here are a few reasons why we may feel overwhelmed, especially during the festive season.

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Therapist explains the reasons(Unsplash)
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Therapist explains the reasons(Unsplash)

People pleasing: When we are brought up in dysfunctional homes, we tend to imbibe in us the attitude of keeping everyone happy, often at the cost of our own priorities and needs. We learn to put others ahead of us and that can be very frustrating. Unmet needs and expectations pile up and can lead to resentment for people and situations around us.

We are not asking for help: There are times when each of us need to seek help. When we do not do that, it can make us feel tired and drained out from facing difficult situations by ourselves. This also leads to the feeling of frustration and overwhelm where we are not able to deal with things in a healthy manner because our minds are overshadowed by problems.

Unrealistic expectations: We often set very high and unrealistic expectations for ourselves and strive to match them to the point where we feel drained out and overwhelmed. This robs us of the joy of the festive season and makes us feel like failures.

We are flattering ourselves: We may flatter ourselves and take on more than we can handle – this can lead to us feeling overwhelmed and frustrated.

Read More:-Poattorney

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