Copyright Law Day 2024: History, celebrations and all you want to know


Copyright Law Day 2024: From the music we hear to the films we enjoy to the artwork that someone took long hours or perhaps months to create to the computer programmes that make our lives easier, everything is a brainchild of someone. When we do not give credit where it’s due, it can rob that person of their creativity and freedom of creation. Fighting over what belongs to whom and then using the products or the artworks without the creator’s permission can lead to unnecessary chaos and conflicts. Hence, copyright is extremely important to protect the creator’s creation and makes it easier for people to trace back the product to its source, or the creator.

Copyright Law Day 2024: History, celebrations and all you want to know(Unsplash)
Copyright Law Day 2024: History, celebrations and all you want to know(Unsplash)

Copyright Law Day is celebrated every year to emphasise on the need to give credit where it is due. As we gear up to celebrate Copyright Law Day for this year, here are a few things that we must keep in mind.

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Every year, Copyright Law Day is celebrated on the first day of the year – January 1. This year, Copyright Law Day falls on a Monday.


The first copyright statute was made by British Statute of Anne 1710 and applied only to books. In 1787, the United States Constitution protected copyrights to promote the progress of science and useful arts. Even back then, the primary intention of copyrights was to promote the creation of new works and allow authors the profit of copyrights. However, illegal downloading and usage of copyrighted products still continue to haunt us, and make the industries suffer.

Significance and celebrations:

One of the best ways to celebrate Copyright Law Day is by giving the credit where it is due. Be it paying for copyrighted products or restricting illegal downloading or usage of pirated products, we can encourage the creators to come up with more original creations and make this world a better place.

Read More:-Poattorney

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