Sarabhai vs Sarabhai actor Rajesh Sharma went bankrupt, had huge loans after quitting acting and becoming full-time farmer | Television News


Actor Rajesh Sharma, best known for playing Rosesh Sarabhai on the hit television sitcom Sarabhai vs Sarabhai, opened up about his decision to step back from acting, and focus his energy on farming. He said that he was fed up with the grind of show business, and wasn’t satisfied with the kind of work that he was getting. But diving into a new profession without proper knowledge wasn’t a smooth ride, as he ended up losing his life savings within a few years and went bankrupt.

In an interview on the Rajshri Unplugged YouTube channel, Rajesh said that it was in 2017 that he decided to take a sabbatical from acting, and told his father that he would like to work on their ancestral land. His father assumed that this was just a phase, but Rajesh was determined.

He said in Hindi, “I felt I wasn’t growing as an actor, but in the world of farming, I was like a painter with a blank canvas. That’s how I started. I worked for five years relentlessly on farming. All sorts of debacles happened with me. Nature played around with me. I planted 15,000 trees on 20 acres of land, and they got washed out because of a flood. Four years passed, and then the pandemic happened. Financially, I was on a slide. By the lockdown, I had used up my savings, and was literally bankrupt. I didn’t have anything in my pocket. I had huge loans, and that was adding to the pressure.”

During this time, Rajesh learned an important lesson. “The day you stop thinking about yourself is the day you start thinking about others, and that’s when others start thinking about you. It’s a circle,” he said. “You have to start thinking beyond yourself if you want to do something meaningful,” he added, expressing how proud he feels when his children describe him as an actor/farmer.

Rajesh became instantly recognisable among audiences after starring alongside Satish Shah, Ratna Pathak Shah, Rupali Ganguly and Sumeet Raghavan in Sarabhai vs Sarabhai. The cult hit originally ran from 2004 to 2006, before returning for a second season in 2017. Rajesh and his fellow cast members recently reunited for dinner in Mumbai, much to the delight of the show’s fans.


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