Farm to jobs, women to schoolkids, health to LPG: Spot the difference in Cong, BJP manifestos | Political Pulse News

[ad_1] The Congress on Tuesday announced its manifesto for Rajasthan promising a law to ensure Minimum Support Price (MSP) for crops, doubling the insurance sum under the flagship Chiranjeevi health insurance from Rs 25 lakh to Rs 50 lakh, 10 lakh jobs in the next five years, including 4 lakh government jobs, as well as … Read more

No more uncontested, but in her bastion, Vasundhara Raje still the ‘Rani’ | Political Pulse News

[ad_1] The Hadoti region, still bearing remnants of the Bundi kingdom, has always been a stronghold of the BJP in Rajasthan. Both its stalwarts Bhairon Singh Shekhawat, the first non-Congress chief minister of the state, and Vasundhara Raje won from this region. Shekhawat first won the Chhabra seat in 1977, and Raje has been representing … Read more