Who Is Vijaypat Singhania, Founder Of Raymond, Who Sparks Storm Amidst Son Gautam’s Divorce Battle? | Companies News

[ad_1] New Delhi: The ongoing separation of Raymond Group Managing Director Gautam Singhania and his wife Nawaz Modi Singhania has taken a poignant turn, as Vijaypat Singhania, the patriarch, and founder of the Raymond Group, expressed regret over the family discord, stating that he had given “everything” to his son. Who Is Vijaypat Singhania? Vijaypat … Read more

Who Is Nawaz Modi Singhania, Estranged Wife Of Raymond MD And Billionaire Gautam Singhania | Companies News

[ad_1] New Delhi: Gautam Singhania, Chairman and Managing Director of Raymond on Monday released a statement formally declaring his separation from his wife Nawaz Modi Singhania. They are divorcing after 32 years of marriage. According to Gautam Singhania despite their decision to part ways, they would still act in the best interests of their children, … Read more