Yearly Horoscope 2024: What’s in store for all zodiac signs in the coming year


ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20)

Embrace the new year with positivity and good vibes. This is the year to expect sudden financial gains and create multiple income streams. Minimize unnecessary spending, and invest wisely to achieve your financial goals. Provide love and support to those around you. Avoid disagreements on the domestic front. Analyse your options thoroughly before making an important career decision. Senior professionals may soon receive that long-awaited promotion! Focus on spirituality and natural remedies over excessive pills. Daily exercise and a healthy diet will translate positively into other aspects of life too. Dedicate quality time to new friendships. They are likely to turn into long-lasting bonds. Compassion and resilience will be the path to long-term happiness. The year will test your faithfulness and your ability to communicate how you feel.

Find out what is in store for zodiac signs in the New Year 2024
Find out what is in store for zodiac signs in the New Year 2024

Lucky Number: 1

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Lucky Colour: Yellow

Lucky Months: January, August & October

TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20)

Welcome 2024 with a smile as it unfolds a myriad of opportunities and unexpected triumphs. While prospects to accumulate wealth may arise, the possibility of heavy expenditure lingers too. Exercise caution when lending money. Research, plan and adapt your strategies as and when needed, but remain open to new, unconventional ideas on the business front. Taurus influencers are likely to be in the limelight all year long. A past relationship may re-enter your life, which may open your eyes to a world of new experiences. Hard work is likely to pay off as you get the career opportunity you have been looking forward to. Avoid contemplating any job change in the first quarter of the year. Monitor your health cautiously, as the resurgence of chronic ailments may occur.

Lucky Number: 9

Lucky Colour: Green

Lucky Months: April, September & December

GEMINI (May 21 – Jun 21)

Gemini, let us put the past behind and start afresh in the year 2024. Business ventures are likely to thrive in the first two quarters, and your diligence will be rewarded with unexpected monetary gains. You are advised to stay away from get-quick-rich schemes and should prioritize savings throughout the year. Seasoned employees can expect rapid career advancement, securing double promotions and increased remuneration. Stay competitive, and enhance your skills and knowledge. This year is delicate from a health perspective, with issues like stomach discomfort, chest infections or eye-related concerns are on the cards. Guidance from family elders will help you resolve issues on the relationship front. Travel stars burn bright for those who wish to explore the world.

Lucky Number: 3

Lucky Colour: Purple

Lucky Months: February & November

CANCER (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

This year promises to be an eventful one for Cancerians. Your income potential is poised for a notable boost. A balanced approach between work and family responsibilities will make the life magical. Investing in improving money markets and strategizing savings side by side will highlight the financial front. Those who feel stuck in their careers will receive new offers aligning with their future. This will be accompanied by increased work pressure, but ultimately your hard work will pay off. An excellent year for singles as you get to hear of some good marriage proposals. Travel is likely to open new doors for you and also help you connect with new people. Stay attentive on the health front to counter minor health. Success will be around the corner for the students preparing for competitive exams.

Lucky Number: 2

Lucky Colour: Orange

Lucky Months: January, March & September

LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 23)

In 2024, Leo will continue to radiate energy and enthusiasm, propelling them towards their goal. Businesses, especially in financial services, infrastructure, hospitality and international trade are set for profit surges. Career success is also likely, as your knowledge and expertise will play a pivotal role in informed decision-making. The first and third quarters demand courage and unconventional choices, emphasizing the empowerment of the workforce. A slight vulnerability to health will necessitate the adoption of healthy practices. Romantic challenges await you, especially in the first quarter. It is imperative you remember that small gestures are just as important as the grand ones in restoring your love life. Unwarranted expenses are on the horizon, which may cause a need for enhanced earnings. The period from March to May will require special attention on the financial front.

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Colour: Golden

Lucky Months: March & July

VIRGO (Aug 24 – Sept 23)

For Virgos, caution is the name of the game in 2024, both in personal and professional spheres. Financial stability is foreseen all year long. Some of you may remain spiritually active. Be wary of unexpected reversals in the second or third quarters that may nullify past gains, and guard yourself against deception from associates during important business deals. Rejoice in good news pertaining to your younger generation on the family front. Some tensions may arise, which are to be dealt with patience and compassion to preserve the love and respect within the relationships. Achievements on the career front are much indicated in the first half and will serve as the dose of motivation for the entire year. Caution in health matters is paramount, for even a minor oversight could lead to potentially troubling phase. Sound sleep and timely doctor’s visits

are advised to keep your health in check.

Lucky Number: 6

Lucky Colour: Brown

Lucky Months: June, September & December

LIBRA (Sept 24 – Oct 23)

An exhilarating journey awaits you in 2024! Brace yourself for the strengthening of business ties that usher in an upswing in earnings. But be cautious, for post-May, a surge in expenditure looms as a possibility. Cultivate a special place in the hearts of your loved ones through gestures of kindness.

Make patience your ally in resolving all conflicts amicably. Professional growth and a surging demand for your skillset mark the passage of the year. You are sure to find job stability this year, fostering amicable relations with subordinates and seniors alike. Stress and anxiety will be key factors when it comes to your health this year. Although they will be transient in nature, find solace in your personal relations to overcome the stress. Despite potential challenges in mid-year, the year inception is likely to bring about bliss and tranquillity in your marriage/relationship.

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Colour: Green

Lucky Months: February, April & May

SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 22)

A wave of positivity awaits all Scorpios in 2024! The year unfolds positively on the financial front, offering a promising landscape for investment in shares and speculative activities. However, businessmen need to be careful in the months of February and June. Unity within your family is set to strengthen, allowing you to foster a harmonious balance between personal and professional commitments. Anticipate a promotion with a substantial salary boost for those who are employed. Mid-level executives working in IT, software or service industry seeking growth prospects may receive enticing offers from desirable organizations. Make health a top priority this year, especially in the initial months. Those suffering with BP, diabetes or related issues would need to take special care of themselves. Married life may have its own set of challenges that you may need to handle with patience and love.

Lucky Number: 9

Lucky Colour: Red

Lucky Months: March, May & August

SAGITARIUS (Nov 23 – Dec 21)

“Change” is going to be your mantra in 2024. It’s time to address delayed tasks and resolve lingering differences. Anticipate new adventures to elevate your joy, as unexpected yet positive experiences await you in your business ventures. Success is in store for those appearing for competitive exams or trying their luck for a government job. Expect a blend of challenges and triumphs in your career, and resist unproductive temptations to stay on course. Be realistic in self-assessment, avoid distractions, exercise patience, and strategize your projects well. Married life or love front could face certain challenges that lead to conflict, but trust in one another may help you overcome those hurdles. The period from May to July could usher in some health concerns and infections. Embrace a routine of daily exercise- cardio, yoga, accompanied by eating healthy, to combat those concerns.

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Colour: Pink

Lucky Months: May, July & December

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 21)

2024 is likely to bring with itself an opportune time. Embrace a penchant for calculated risks this year, as entrepreneurial spirits are likely to be rewarded. With financial gains, you also have a freedom to buy things you have been longing for. Focus on strengthening family bonds and make sure your marital bond is not affected by what others say. Maintaining a positive attitude would be the key to your success. Time management would be important for students to achieve their goals on the academic front. Pull yourself out of the comfort zone, prioritize tasks at hand and seize opportunities to showcase your leadership skills on the career front. Apart from a few minor health concerns, the year bids well regarding your health.

Lucky Number: 8

Lucky Colour: Grey

Lucky Months: February, May & October

AQUARIUS (Jan 22 – Feb 19)

You can look forward to a fruitful year, Aquarius! You can anticipate skyrocketing success and material abundance with the onset of 2024. Embrace saving and financial planning as business may experience stagnation in the third quarter. Astute expense management and minute supervision would also be required in that phase. Your career stands on the brink of success, offering you significant achievements and opportunities that you have been desperately looking forward to. Students should stay away from distractions or your scores may be affected. The health of those ailing is likely to improve. Yet, special care would be required for those suffering from asthma, sinus, back or knee-related issues. Emotional bonding is likely to be strengthened on the family front.

Lucky Number: 7

Lucky Colour: Peach

Lucky Months: May & June

PISCES (Feb 20 – Mar 20)

Welcome 2024 with a smile as many important developments are in store for you this year. For those eyeing business growth, this is an opportune year! With increased earnings, expect a rise in expenses as well. To combat this, master the art of saving and investing strategically. Heal old wounds with long-lost family connections and foster healthier relationships with those around you. Expect a topsy-turvy experience in regards to health, as most eye or foot-related ailments may make you look for medical guidance. Fluctuations in your love life need to be handled proactively. Students may be overwhelmed with their expectations from them. Refrain from making impulsive decisions. Honing your networking skills is likely to benefit you with more benefits in the second half of the year.

Lucky Number: 6

Lucky Colour: Yellow

Lucky Months: March, April & November

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