‘Mesmerising’: West Bengal’s dhuno porano ritual awes netizens | Trending News


Malo Para in Krishnanagar in West Bengal witnessed dhuno porano ritual during the celebration of Jagadhhatri Puja on Navami. This unique ritual carried out in various districts of West Bengal has become a must-see for locals and visitors alike.

As the occasion unfolded, devotees gathered to witness the age-old practice where a vowed woman takes centre stage in front of the idol. With their legs folded and hands rested on her knees, she becomes the canvas for a striking transformation. Drenched in pieces of dripping wet cotton cloth from head to toe, the air is thick with anticipation.


The ritual reaches its pinnacle as three malshas (bowls made of mud) are carefully placed – one atop the head and two on the hands, all balanced on lumps of wet mud. The culmination of these elements sets the stage for a breathtaking visual spectacle. The ignited fire born from this unique arrangement, dances and flickers, created an ethereal play of light and shadow.


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